94034: Donald Macleod

Donald (1884-1936) was the son of John Macleod and Catherine Maciver; it is not clear where the family were living at the time of his birth. Initially his parents had settled as cottars on his uncle’s croft, 74 North Tolsta, but they later became cottars on his maternal grandparents croft: 23 Coll. 

He lost his parents and his siblings to a contagious disease during the late 1880s to the mid 1890s; he was infected himself but survived. It is not clear where he lived after his parents death as his maternal grandmother also died around the same time his parents did.

Donald married Kenina Graham, of 55 Back, and the couple settled at 27 Upper Coll. They had three children: John, Katherine Ann, and Malcolm. In due course 27 Upper Coll passed to their daughter: Katherine Ann.

Record Type:
Date Of Birth:
Date of Death:
Brothers Keeper Reference:
CET 3320
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