33063: GRIDIG – NAUST (Undated)


NAUST (Undated)


NB 1002 3628

Full description:

NB13NW 21 NB 1002 3628

A denuded boat noost was recorded during the course of an archaeological survey of the Bhaltos Peninsula in 1989 and 1992. The noost is situated on an area of rocky foreshore, immediately W of Gridig, Cnip (Kneep).
A Dunwell 1995; NMRS MS 726/64

no. 27
two parallel walls of very massive construction define an area leading into the waters on the north side of the Traigh na Berie. The east wall is built into an existing outcrop for part of its alignment, which is an overall 20m. This is formed of up to 6 surviving courses standing up to 1.8m high with a single face facing into the noost, and with rubble packing behind. Some of the individual blocks exceed 1m square. The west wall is much less well preserved being unprotected by the natural outcrop. It is c. 2m wide. The area defined by the two walls is 20m long and 9m wide and filled with a layer of water-rolled pebbles covered in places by sterile sand. Its shoreward terminal lies at the point where the modern eroding dune face begins. The structure is drowned by extreme high tides.
The structure lies in a sheltered location, and was presumably designed to harbour boats. It probably relates to a period of somewhat lower sea level. There is a local tradition that this was the location of an early pier, but no such structure is recorded on the available early map sources.
Armit 1992, 54


Ian Armit. 1992. CFA, University of Edinburgh Archaeological Field Survey of the Bhaltos (Valtos) Peninsula, Lewis.
1994. ‘Archaeological field survey of the Bhaltos (Valtos) peninsula, Lewis’, Proc Soc Antiq Scot. Part No 124. No.27, 90; No.30, 90


Information provided by Western Isles Council Sites & Monuments Record, January 2006.

Record Location

Record Type:
Historical or Archaeological Site
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