9287: Death of James Murray, Knockiandue School

Tribute to the late James Murray, Knockiandue School

The remains of the late Mr. James Murray of the Clearing House, London, were interred in the Sandwick Cemetery, Stornoway on the 22nd cur. Mr Murray was the son of the late Rev. Donald Murray, parish minister of Sheildaig. He was a young man of great promise, and was much respected by his fellow officals in the Clearing House, where for 16 years he held a responsible position, and his death at the early age of 33 is universally regretted. Educated in the Lews, his sympathies were always extended to promoting the best interests of his countrymen, and he was ever ready to lend a helping hand in philanthropic work. He was editor of the “Crofter”, a paper which since his departure from London, has ceased to exist. Mr Murray left London in ill-health in September 1885, since which time he resided at Knockiandue Schoolhouse, Keose, Lochs, where he died on the 18th inst. The funeral was attended by a large concourse of people from the Lochs district, and as the procession made its way from Keose to Stornoway, the various townships in the district contributed their quota of mourners, who accompanied the procession nearly all the way to Stornoway, a distance of some nine miles. At 2pm the procession was met at the Porter’s Lodge by a considerable assemblage of townspeople, who accompanied the remains to the cemetery. The clearing house was represented by Messrs Reid and Robins, who had come especially to pay this last tribute of respect to their departed collegue. Among the wreaths which found a place upon the coffin was a magnificent floral tribute sent by the officers of the Clearing House.

Article from the Northern Chronicle, 28 July 1886

Record Type:
Story, Report or Tradition
28 Jul 1886
Type Of Story Report Tradition:
Newspaper Article
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