113803: 12 Coll

12 Col

12 Coll was a newly lotted croft in 1851 and the first tenant was  John Beaton (1785-1858) and he passed the croft to his Nephew-in-law, Murdo Campbell (1831-1875). Murdo passed 12 Coll to his eldest son, John Campbell (1859-1890).

John passed the croft to his eldest son, Murdo Campbell. The family moved to Aberdeen and 12 Coll passed to

George Beaton of 11 Coll. George passed the croft to his eldest daughter, Ann. When Ann was widowed she took a feu from the croft and passed 12 Coll to her son.

Record Location

Record Type:
Croft or Residence
Date Lotted:
Type Of Residence:
Record Maintained by: