32968: KNEEP, VALTOS, LEWIS – FINDSPOT (Viking – 790 AD to 1066 AD)


FINDSPOT (Viking – 790 AD to 1066 AD)
Findspot of copper alloy and bone Viking Age pins


NB 09 36

Full description:

NB03NE 10 09 36.

Three bronze pins and one of bone, from a shell-mound at knup, Uig, were donated to NMAS by Dr J MacLeod, Inspector of Schools, Stornoway.
Proc Soc Antiq Scot 1913.

No further information.
Visited by OS (R L) 27 June 1969.

These pins, in the museum, are dateable to the post- Roman (ie. late Iron Age) period or later. (Acc. No. FC.228-231)
Information fromD Clarke (NMAS) to OS, 15 Feburary 1971.

50. RMS FC 229 Frustrum-headed pin, probably of Viking date.
51. RMS FC 228 Astragaloid-headed pin, probably of Viking date.
L R Laing 1973.


‘Some aspects of the bronze ringed pin in Scotland’, Editor: O’Connor, A and Clarke, D V (eds.), Some aspects of the bronze ringed pin in Scotland. 342, No. 57
1912-13. ‘Donations to and purchases for the Museum and Library, with exhibits’, Proc Soc Antiq Scot. Part No 47. 341
1973. ‘People and pins in Dark Age Scotland’, Trans Dumfriesshire Galloway Natur Hist Antiq Soc. Part No 50. 71, No. 50-1


Information provided by Western Isles Council Sites & Monuments Record, January 2006.

Record Location

Record Type:
Historical or Archaeological Site
Type Of Site:
Viking (790-1065 AD)
SMRRecord ID:
Record Maintained by: