31575: LSFH 26.9 Loch Seaforth Head – BLACKHOUSE; LONGHOUSE


HOUSE (Crofting – 1850 AD to 1950 AD)
BLACK HOUSE (Crofting – 1850 AD to 1950 AD)
LONGHOUSE (Crofting – 1850 AD to 1950 AD)


NB 28197 16600

Full description:

"Situated on the north shore of Loch Seaforth Head, at the foot of the southern slopes of Beinn Lobheir, the remains of this blackhouse measure 15 metres from north to south and 7 metres from west to east. Much of this structure survives now only as an earthen wall, as much of the stone facings have been robbed for the construction of other structures in the vicinity. However, at the southern end a portion of the building remains intact, measuring 4 metres from north to south and 7 metres from west to east. It is likely that part of the house was originally maintained for stock management, but it is now used to store fencing supplies. Entrances can be seen to the original structure, ca 4.5 and 10 metres along the west wall from its south end. These survive as gaps in the turf bank. No internal partitions can be identified within the structure, and there are no signs of greys (insertion of chimney breasts etc.) suggesting that this feature is likely to date to the early crofting period (1830s). (Burgess 2004, 52)


Chris Burgess, Northamptonshire Archaeology. 2004. Northamptonshire Archaeology Archaeological Survey and Evaluation of Eilean Chalium Chille and the Putative Site of the Seaforth Head Castle. Part No Loch Seaforth Head Gazeteer.


Information provided by Western Isles Council Sites & Monuments Record, January 2006.

Record Location

Record Type:
Historical or Archaeological Site
Type Of Site:
House; Black House; Longhouse
Crofting (1850-1950 AD); Post-Medieval (1540-1900 AD)
SMRRecord ID:
Record Maintained by: