2521: Pairc, Lewis

The Pairc or Park peninsula in the Parish of Lochs is situated in the southeast corner of the island of Lewis, adjacent to Harris. Geographically it is almost cut off from the rest of Lewis by two long arms of the sea, Loch Erisort to the north and Loch Seaforth to the south, confining land access to the peninsula to a narrow neck of land at the heads of these two lochs, between the townships of Balallan and Arivruach. The land area of the peninsula extends to 68,000 acres.

The principal villages of the district are Habost, Kershader, Garyvard, Caversta, Cromore, Calbost, Marvig, Gravir, Orinsay and Lemreway. However, there are also many other small, cleared settlements.

For more detailed information, follow the links to records for specific locations within Pairc or consult the Angus Macleod Archive website.

Record Location

Record Type:
Type Of Location:
District / Ward
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