66619: Deposition of Donald Macdonald (Lewis/Harris boundary dispute) 1850

The testimony of Donald Macdonald, Crowlista, at the second hearing of the Lewis/Harris boundary dispute:

At Stornoway, the 16th day of August 1850.

Compeared Donald Macdonald, a witness for the defender, who, being sworn, depones, That he is seventy-six years of age, and lives at Crolister in Uig: That he was at one time herd with Mr. Hugh Munro, minister of Uig; That he was with him for six years, and it is about forty years since he ceased that herding: That Mr Munro’s horses were at Braidh-an-fhia-clachan, and the end of the hill of Lieud, grazing: That he was told at that time that the march was the water of Chlair-beg to Braidh-an-fhia-clachan, and by Tom-ruish and Amhinn-Veckadale: That one John M’Leod was herd with the minister before the deponent, and yon was the march that he kept: That John M’Leod is dead: That John M’Leod was many years with the minister, – twelve years at least: That he knew one Malcolm Matheson, who lived at Balnicol: That Malcolm was the son of Donald Matheson, and often told him that his father Donald had been with people settling the said march, by Amhinn-Chlair-beg, and Braidh-an-fhia-clachan, at which last mentioned place, he, Donald, was whipped in order that he might remember the march and tell it: That he understood Donald was a lad at the time he was whipped: That Malcolm said that it was the Mackenzies that were setting the march, and that there were Harris people there

Record Type:
Story, Report or Tradition
16 Aug 1850
Type Of Story Report Tradition:
Testimony Or Evidence
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