66596: Deposition of John Buchanan (Lewis/Harris boundary dispute) 1850

John Buchanan’s testimony at the second hearing of the Lewis/Harris Boundary dispute.

At Stornoway, the 16th day of August 1850.

Compeared John Buchanan, a witness for the defender, who being sworn, depones, That he is fifty-three years of age, and lives in Balagloum: That his grandfather and father were tenants in Kirkibost, with grazings in Lieud: That they had these for a great many years but he can’t say how many: That his father died about sixteen or seventeen years ago, and was then above sixty years of age: That his grandfather died about thirty-three years ago, and he understood him to be about eighty. That his grandmother used to be out with him herding, when he was a boy: That she was nearly as old as his grandfather: That when herding with his grandmother, he understood the march between Lewis and Harris to be at Braidh-an-fhia-clachan by Gil-Arigh-mhoir, and by the hollow south of Tomruish and water of Veckadale: That the shealing he occupied, when herding with his grandmother, was Arigh-Hedderscuir: That the Lewis people used to change their shealings among each other: That he never knew of any Harris people having a shealing on the Lewis side of said march or a grazing: That he never heard of such a thing.

Interrogated for the Pursuer. – Depones, That he has heard that the Harris people claimed a different march, but he does not know that march: That he heard ever since he recollects: That he heard that the Harris people had taken a divot off a shealing at Arigh-hedderscuir; but that he did not see it, and it was not when he was at the shealing; and he understood that it had not the effect of making the people leave the shealing. Depones, That he cannot write.

Record Type:
Story, Report or Tradition
16 Aug 1850
Type Of Story Report Tradition:
Testimony Or Evidence
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