46021: Gravir School Inspection Report

From Gravir School log, 1951 (Mr Kennedy was headmaster): "Report on Gravir Primary School, Lewis, by H.M.I.S., visited on 8th October, 1951."

Session 1951-52

This two-teacher school, which had a roll of 38 at the date of visit, is recognised as a centre for two year courses in navigation and in domestic science. The teaching of navigation has ceased owing, it is understood, to lack of support by the parents and pupils, but it will be no easy matter to find accommodation fro the proposed course in technical subjects, for which no facilities have as yet been provided; nor has any provision been made for the teaching of domestic science to the girls. The Education Authority should by now be able to decide what course, if any, they want at this temporary centre, and make provision for the courses decided on.

Since the last report water-flushed offices have been provided, and they are kept in a creditable state of cleanliness. [Mr Kennedy had first written to complain about the "abominable condition" of the previous arrangement on 17 April 1944].

In the lower room the standard of proficiency was generally satisfactory. Reasonably good progress had been made by the infant classes in reading and counting, but more attention should be given to recitation. The other classes also read intelligently and clearly, and made a good appearance in arithmetic; spelling was satisfactory, but insufficient time is given to art.

Classes P VI and P VII, together with S I and S II, are taught by the headmaster. It is recognised that the teaching of all subjects to this diverse range of classes presents serious difficulties and that a consistently high level of proficiency can hardly be attained.

The two primary classes were reasonably satisfactory in arithmetic and English subjects, but their almost inaudible speech, more especially in history and geography, and also in recitation, which otherwise was quite pleasing, made a reliable assessment difficult. The secondary pupils too had benefited by their studies in English subjects; the response to questions on comprehension of the reading matter in particular was good, although speech tended to lack vigour and expressiveness. In both history and geography satisfactory standards had been attained. Written and oral tests in mathematics, however, showed that for many of the pupils the course have been too ambitious. The introduction of algebra should be delayed until the fundamentals of arithmetic have been more firmly secured and that, even then, the approach should be less formal than at present. In geometry drawing exercises of a practical type should receive a larger share of the time available. Opportunities for practical work in science are inevitably restricted; in biology the pupils had made adequate progress. Gaelic had received satisfactory attention, but, in all oral exercises, greater confidence should be cultivated.

The results in needlework showed improvement. Satisfactory progress had been made in knitting, which was on the whole well done. It is regretted that the sewing for this session had not been begun; some of last year’s work was found to be very creditable, but oral response was very slow.

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