107969: The well at Manish Free Church

In the video below, Hamish Taylor investigates the well near Manish Free Church that supplied the manse with its water supply (in Gaelic).

A transcription and loose translation into English are provided above the video link.

“‘S e seo an tobar às a bhiodh uisge a’ mhansa a’ tighinn mas robh uisge an seo. Chan eil càil a chuimhne agamsa air iad a bhith a’ cleachdadh an tobair seo ach tha e feumail gu bheil e ann fhathast agus chì sinn dìreach mar a bha daoine beò aig an àm, a’ toirt uisge le peilichean on a seo sìos chun a’ mhansa. Agus tha e … ‘s dòcha gu bheil e rudeigin annasach cuideachd an-diugh, seachd … tha pìob an uisge a’ gabhail seachad air dìreach far a bheil sinn nar seasamh agus ‘s ann on an aon àite dìreach far a bheil sinn nar seasamh, a tha an ceangal a tha a’ ceangal an uisge a’ dol sìos chun a’ mhansa agus chun na h-eaglais anns a latha a th’ ann an-diugh.”

“This is the well from which water for the manse would come before there was running water here. I have no recollection of people using this well but it’s good that it’s still here and we can see just how people lived at the time, carrying water in pails from here down to the manse. And it’s rather curious too because the water pipes today go right past where we are standing and it’s from exactly the same place, just where we’re standing, that the connection that connects the water goes down to the manse and to the church today.”



Record Type:
Media File
Donna Dorris
Hebridean Connections
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