32167: ECC 75.3 Loch Mharabhig


BLACK HOUSE (Crofting – 1850 AD to 1950 AD)
HOUSE (Crofting – 1850 AD to 1950 AD)
COW HOUSE (Crofting – 1850 AD to 1950 AD)
LONGHOUSE (Crofting – 1850 AD to 1950 AD)
Crofting phase ‘improved’ blackhouse


NB 4078 1968

Full description:

"Located behind the western shore of Loch Mharabhig, the remains of this structure measure 4 x 4 metres and stand up to 1 metre tall. Orientated from south to north this building appears to be constructed of drystone and stone and mortar with earth and rubble cores, it has a single entrance in the centre of the east wall, flanked on either side by a 1 metre wide window. Internally there are the remains of a partition located immediately to the south of the entrance, that at one point divided the internal space into a dwelling at the north end of the building and an ancillary space (byre?) at the south end of the building. The floor of the space at the north of the building is flagged. A fireplace has been inserted into both gable ends, and the one at the northern end of the building has a formal chimney stack topped with a ceramic pot. This building shows signs of originally being formed as a blackhouse of a plan typical of those constructed in the early crofting phase, but demonstrates all the signs of ‘greying’ seen in houses modified in the early years of the 20th century. This includes the insertion of windows and chimneys." (Burgess 2004, 168-169)


Chris Burgess, Northamptonshire Archaeology. 2004. Northamptonshire Archaeology Archaeological Survey and Evaluation of Eilean Chalium Chille and the Putative Site of the Seaforth Head Castle. Part No Loch Seaforth Head Gazeteer.


Information provided by Western Isles Council Sites & Monuments Record, January 2006.

Record Location

Record Type:
Historical or Archaeological Site
Type Of Site:
House; Black House; Cow House; Longhouse
Crofting (1850-1950 AD); Post-Medieval (1540-1900 AD)
SMRRecord ID:
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